Monday, July 29, 2013

scarfing down

For dinner tonight Jennie and I had BLT sandwiches, but she added sprouts to both of ours and I added slices of extra sharp cheddar. We sat and watched some silly horror film for some time, before we realized that the movie selection was poor.

When Jennie and I are home, we don't have any sort of fluid conversation. We mostly sit next to each other, either tuned into the television together silently, or she tuned into her iPad in addition to the tellie and me to the television alone or to text messaging. For some reason, texting brings me some amount of anxiety. Texts will sit as long as several days before I respond.

The single purchase out of today's grocery shopping that excites me most is the set of blueberries, which I promptly put into the freezer when we got back from the store. Smoothies are so much nicer when they feature a variety of colors, and I also like the tartness the berries add to the smoothie - complementing the sweetness of the strawberries and the texture and warmth of the bananas.