Sunday, November 24, 2013

his last night at the apartment

A meal made out of convenience rarely nourishes the body with the nutrition that it needs. But it can provide a slew of comforts. Healthy or not, the process of preparing the needed appliances, gathering the ingredients, chopping or washing or soaking them, and cooking them can be all the soul needs to sloughing off heavy-heartedness and melancholy. Eating the meal, whether hastily or with grace, is secondary to all that it took to reach the point of enjoyment. Enjoyment, or maybe it is clarity, can be found, or conjured, in the long or short of the preparation.

Chaos is a countertop crowded with containers and uncooked things, or a frenzy of feelings encased in thoughts. Peace is placing them into delicate order. Gracefully appreciating the bitter and the sweet with the sour and the savory no matter the chaos that came before it.